A Black Legacy- Chernobyl
26th April, 1986...
26th April, 2006...
Does anyone remember what happened 20 years ago? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? Even as I write this, I wonder how many people will actually read through this.. how many people will this actually affect. I was horrified beyond cure when I saw some photos this morning on the Internet. Children, ages ranging anything between a year to seventeen years, suffering from a plethora of cancer, their beautiful, angelic faces mutilated with pain, children born with deformed bodies, with brains outside their skulls, with inoperable tumours, with no lymphatic system...
On April 26, twenty years ago, Chernobyl's Reactor number 4 exploded unleashing tonnes of radioactive waste for several ki0lmeteres. Men who worked to clear the toxic waste died within three months from severe radioactive exposure. Those that survived grew cancerous or had strange, undiagonsable ailments. They too... finally... died. Children were born as they are born all over the world. But they were not like any other child born anywhere else in the world. Some did not have a leg, some had enormous ones, some couldnt walk, some couldnt sit, some looked weird, some behaved weird... they were children but had no childhood. Some died in infancy, some in teenage. But all of it was one frightful nightmare. But does anyone care?
Maybe I could not have written any of this or perhaps written it down in my private diary. But perhaps another person who feels like me and reads through this can make a difference. Perhaps if many of us all over want to give them a childhood, something can be done. Is there any way in which any of us can do something... Anything? I cannot go to Belarus or to Russia... they will not have me there. My government will not let me go. But can nothing be done...even if it to create an awareness... even if it is only to let all those innocent faces know that someone somewhere cares? We talk about universal brotherhood... after all there's only one human species...Homo sapiens. Think!
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