Forbidden Dreams
Desires.... dreams... too many of them
Where do I take them... all these desires of mine?
There are too many of them,
And all of them are too beautiful...
They're forbidden dreams,
I'm not supposed to dream them,
I'm not entitled to them...
They add a vibrant riot of colour
To my otherwise grey life...
And that's not supposed to be!
I've been bequeathed this life of starkness
To carry out a never-ending journey
Through a dark abyss... where no light enters
No light is meant to be there...
And I've dreamt impossible dreams
Dreams of life, of colour, of love....
Dreamt of a home, a hearth, of love, of warmth....
Of children my womb would bear....
And what madness made me dream them?
Wasn't I told never to dream them?
Wasn't I told that they were not meant for me...
They were the other domain,
Which I would watch from a distance and yearn for...
But I was not supposed to spread out my arms
To try to grab it.... I've breached the decorum there.
I've been greedy... I craved for something
Which wasn't meant to be mine!
And I sit here now... a traitor to life...
Having dreamt impossible, forbidden dreams
I sit here, an imposter to the cause for which
I was sent to earth... to yearn for good things
Only to yearn....never to reach out for them.
To watch them from a distance and sigh..
Wishing I had my share as well,
But never try to achieve wasn't meant for me!
When oneday I will be gone... wither I know not
I will have found what I'm looking for...
I will wish never to be born again with dreams
Which are so near and yet so far and...
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