Then Oneday...
Not suspecting anything unusual about her familiar Universe
She walked down the familiar street,
Petted the familiar mogrel down the lane,
Bought her usual cup of coffee at the cafe...
Then Oneday...
The usual turned unusual,
Catterpillars turned butterflies,
And all that was harsh and discordant in the scheme of things
United in a pleasant cacophony of melody...
Then Oneday...
Flowers bloomed never to wither,
Roses bloomed never to prick,
And anything that bloomed,
Was to be
In bloom forever.
Then Oneday...
She suddenly realised she was alive.
Understood what it felt like to be hurt, to be happy,
To see, to taste, to smell, to touch, to hear...
To cry, to smile, to laugh, to love...
And Someday...
She'll be as immortal as any mortal
Who had been alive !
Who captured sunshine in their smiles...
Who carried a perennial Spring in their hearts,
Someday she'll hold onto her life like the only thing
She ever wanted to hold on to...
Someday she'll smile that Oneday she realised
She was alive !
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